Saturday, September 11, 2010

Value of Money....

I wonder does value of money change from person to person??? Or is it that just because a person is from a background which has seen a hard earned prosperity, he values the money more or knows the value more.. I mean if a rich person values money more and is particular about it he is called miser... or why someone who spends a lot randomly on luxuries of life is expected to take things lightly 'in a good humour way' when the subject of humour is money? Especially when you yourself  won't mind things so funny when you put yourself in his place!!!
Why do we always tend to forget that be it your money or be it mine it is earned with the same trouble back home. Why make it as your or mine why not just leave it at money!!!

Another thing that just infuriates me is when it comes to necessities of life each and every one of those necessities have some basic purpose which money cannot match. Though the irony is, it can buy it!! It is not that I am not disillusioned by capitalism or I am some firm believer of socialism and reject branded products. As a matter of fact I quite often do buy them, but to me branded clothes or unbranded clothes they all hold same meaning!! I don't want to roam around naked. Also I treat them with equal respect or lack of respect it totally depends on your perception. it just amazes me as to how people judge utility with the price of that object.. I mean you bought a certain object because it solves your problem or fulfils thing that can be termed as a necessity.

A Bread is Bread even if its is from Alain Ducasse or from your nearest bakery as it serves the basic purpose of satisfying your hunger!!

Similarly a person how rich he may be loves his rupee as much as the poor beggar and probably has worked much more harder to earn that money!! Going back again all I feel is, Why make it as your or mine why not just leave it at money!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


You may fail to notice me.........  but when you do notice me, I never fail to bring smile on your face.

Promise Me that you will save mother earth and Me... because I don't want to end up being have been

Butterflies are just the barometer of today's environment lets do something before we have to explain our kids the beauty of butterflies and how they are unlucky not to have seen it.
Photograph Courtesy Tejas Jain

Sunday, September 5, 2010

एक राह..

एक राह पकड़ी है अपनी चाह की....दुनियाँ से लड़ कर झगड कर अपनी चाह की|
रोज गिरता हूँ, संभलता हूँ, संभल के फिर गिरता हूँ .... पर रोज ख़ुशी से सोता हूँ|
एक राह पकड़ी है अपनी चाह की....